Sunday, December 19, 2010

What He Says and What She Hears

Everyone in the world hears and understands things differently. This hold extremely true to what men say to women, and what women say to men.

"I'll me home around __pm." Now, when a woman hears this, she is expecting you to me home around ?-?:30. Most woman are more punctual then men when it comes right down to it, when they say they will be at a curtain place at a curtain time. If he is really going to be home 2-3 hours later than what he says, he should have said "I'll be home late". This saves everyone a headache. As the guy you are not late, and us woman are not sitting around glaring at the clock at ?pm or later fuming because you said you would be home at a curtain time.

Women ask men " Do you like my new ______ ?" or "Did you like _____?" and of course we are fishing for a compliment.
     "It was okay/ It's okay" Normally this is not what a woman wants to hear. It is generic, not a compliment in anyway, and makes us feel that you really could care less. Keep in mind we are fishing for a compliment, just say " It was really good", " I like it", or being super crafty and be like " I really liked  the ______" and pick something out to comment on.

"I am just never in the mood" Now this is a tricky and sticky situation a lot of woman do fine them selfs in. When we hear this a few alarms start going off in our heads. He isn't attracted to me anymore, he is seeing someone else, and alot of other things but that are just a couple. But we do have to give the guy the benefit of the doubt that he is just never in the mood or that when you are he isn't or visaversa. Keep in mind we women can be some what fragile in this department.  All in all when we hear this 100 different things go threw our minds and it makes a crazy.

"I'm going to the store" Now woman normally ask what are you going for because we tend to say 'We need _____ if your going' but when nothing is really needed from the store, we tend to here "I need to get out of the house for a while', I don't want to be around you right now', or You are being annoying". If any of these are the case, do us a favor and just say "I'm going out for a bit". Saves another headache with all of the speculating.

Hope everyone one has a Happy Hoilday!

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