Monday, October 18, 2010

Being Lazy... But not that lazy

Have you every looked for pasta at home and found that you didn't have any? And you really didn't feel like going out to the store for just 1 item?

Using basic staples every one should have in there kitchen, and using these very easy steps you can make your own pasta from scratch.

1 Large bowl
2 1/4 c. all purpose flour
4 eggs
extra all purpose flour for dusting
wet cloth
Rolling Pin/ Pasta Roller

I used a Rolling Pin, because I did not have a pasta maker/roller.It was very time consuming and a work out.

Now in the large bowl pour in the 2 1/4 c. of flour and with the measuring cup create a hole in the center. Crack the 4 eggs into the center and fold flour into the eggs with the fork. After the mixture has become clumpy you can start using your hands. Pour the dough on to your (clean) floured counter, knead the dough for about 5 mins, untill the dough is evenly colored.
Wrap the dough ball in a damp cloth, for 10-15 mins. This will rest the dough, and get the dough moist and easier to work with.
I used a rolling pin to roll out the dough. I took about a ball (about 1 inch in diameter), flour the dough so it doesn't stick to the board or roller. The dough after rolled out needs to be very thin, and cut into 4 inches x 3 inches for lasagna. This recipe Will make enough to make a 3 layer Lasagna, or enough raviolis to feed 2-3 people depending how large you make them.

To cook the pasta, drop the rolled out dough into boiling water for about 2 mins.  For lasagna it will cook in the oven so don't worry about pre-cooking it.

Remember what I said before, this is very time consuming with out a pasta maker. It was very worth it the Lasagna I made was to DIE for!

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